I've downloaded it. It's powerful, flexible, Unicode-aware, and in use in real-world situations, namely as the scripting language for AuroraUX.
Falcon is our scripting language of choice. "Simple, fast and powerful programming language, easy to learn and to feel comfortable with, and a scripting engine ready to empower mission-critical multithreaded applications." -- http://www.auroraux.org/index.php/AuroraUX%3AAbout
Speaking of Unicode, this is a real Falcon script:
// International class; name and street
class 国際( なまえ, Straße )
// set class name and street address
नाम = なまえ
شَارِع = Straße
// Say who am I!
function 言え!()
>@"I am $(self.नाम) from ",self.شَارِع
// all the people of the world!
民族 = [ 国際( "高田 Friederich", "台湾" ),
国際( "Smith Σωκράτης", "Cantù" ),
国際( "Stanisław Lec", "południow" ) ]
for garçon in 民族: garçon.言え!()