Turn the question over: the pattern mtch you should be making is "what pattern fits my problem". Consider a really simple pattern, finding an element in an array. in C, it's something like
TYPE_t ary[SIZE] = // ... gets initialized somehow
size_t ix ; // Your index variable
for(ix=0; ix < SIZE; ix++){
if (ary[ix] == item) {
return ix ;
You don't look at the code and think "where can I use that", you look at the problem and say "do I know how to find an element in an array?"
With more extensive patterns is really works the same way. You need to have many many copies of a data structure that doesn't change often --- that makes you think "Flyweight." You want something that lives on both sides of a network boundary, you think Proxy.
When you study patterns, especially the GoF, ask yourself "what situations call for this pattern? Have I seen this pattern before? What could I have used this for in previous work? Where can I find an example of this in my own life?"