Hi, i noted that in rails 2.3.2 there is no more option to set which rails environment you are using. So i cannot just set it anymore in environment.rb? There is any other way to set it?
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
What exactly are you trying to run? The rails generator? A rake task? Mongrel? I'm not sure this is actually a Rails issue.
Disclaimer: I haven't used 2.3.2, however.
Terry Lorber
2009-05-12 16:45:05
Maybe you mean in config/environment.rb
I'm 90% sure you can just add the line there if you need it. And I'm wrong, see VP's comment below. (Tested and confirmed it)
2009-05-12 16:48:19
90% sure? its not allowed anymore.. to be honest the server ignore it. You must pass it as a argument to the server
2009-05-12 16:52:32