How can I checkout only the directory structure of a project (without any files) in a CVS repository? This could be useful, e.g., to know the structure itself, and selectively checkout the folders later. I might not be interested in, say, the test cases folder which might take too much space on my local hard disk.
Adding a useful thing, might not the solution you seek. :) TortoiseCVS can show the structure without checking out the files.
Chathuranga Chandrasekara
2009-05-13 05:22:51
Yes but I would like to be able to export/ copy the structure in some text form. UI is good for viewing but bad for scripting.
2009-05-13 05:26:42
If you want only to know the structure itself, you can use cvs rls -R
which lists recursively contents of the repository. From this output, you can filter out files and get directory hierarchy.
2009-05-13 05:38:31