So, a long long time ago I used to program procedurally initially with Basic on my first BBC Model B and then a small amount of Pascal at university as well as assembly along the way.
Then along came OO which seemed much more sensible all round and that was all I used with C++, Perl, Java, Ruby.....
Coming back to programming non web stuff after a break of some 8 years or so on the iPhone I've found Objective C really easy to pick up but every now and again have to drop out of Objective C and back to plain old C for low level stuff and that's where it's back to procedural programming again.
What I'm after is a good guide about how to mix Object Orientated and procedural styles, how to do memory management, whether to wrap the procedural parts in object etc. etc.
Also a good basic guide to good procedural style for C would be helpful as I don't even seem to be able to think in procedural terms any more.