From your question it's unclear whether you're talking about a person's name input into a single cell (e.g., "C3") or somewhere in a given column (e.g., "C:C").
In the former case you can easily use Guiness's suggestion; or you can even more easily write a formula like this to concatenate the values in Cells 1 through 3 (supposing the worksheet is called "Sheet1"):
="Name = "&Sheet1!C3&": Cell1 = "&Sheet1!A3&", Cell2 = "&Sheet1!B3
(This is based on Cells 1 through 3 in your example being in columns A through C, and in row 3.)
On the other hand, if you're talking about the latter case and you want to run some VBA code whenever a new name is ADDED to column C, you can use the Worksheet_Change VBA function. If this is the case, edit the question to indicate that.