



Scenario - Outer update panel u1
Controls on u1 (wrapped in a div) - c1,c2,c3, t1,u2 ( t:textbox, c: combo, u: update panel)
Control outside u1 - c1 - combo
u2 has trigger as c2 - selected index changed.

I've some controls like textboxes and combos inside a div(d1) The div is wrapped in an updatePanel(u1). There is another update panel(u2) nested in the div(d1) which has its trigger as one of the combo(c2). The outer updatepanel (u1) has its trigger as a combo(c1) which lives outside u1.

d1(div) is hidden/shown based on combo c1. If I change the selected item on c2 all other combos on the outer upadate panel(u1) flicker. Both update panels have conditional tag. Combo load is only called on !postback. Any ideas - is this a known issue with update panels/combo?