



I am trying to implement a strongly typed master page and using this page as an example:

I have the following declaration in my masterpage:

<%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage<InsTech.ForeSight.Web.Mvc.ModelBase>" %>

When I try to run I get: Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage<InsTech.ForeSight.Web.Mvc.ModelBase>'

I am not really sure why it can't find the type. When I use the ViewMasterPage class everything is okay, but when I try to use the generic version it bombs.

Any Suggestions

+3  A: 

Is InsTech.ForeSight.Web.Mvc.ModelBase in another assembly? if so, is it referenced?

Is InsTech.ForeSight.Web.Mvc.ModelBase abstract?

New Day, Fresh Mind, Saw my stupid error. Thanks for your help
I guess I should have explained my problem in case anyone finds this in the future. Since I was adding MVC to an existing web form project, I didn't realize that the default MVC template had a web.config in the views folder. This web.config defines some default values for the pages configuration section that MVC will need.