



Is there like an AIR for python? I know I can use Cocoa with Python, is there anything else? How easy is it to get started with Cocoa for Python if you know Python.

+8  A: 

There is PyQt, which lets you use the cross-platform Qt toolkit from Python.

Also, I asked a similar question a while ago which has some more suggestions: What cross-platform GUI libraries are simple, lightweight, and have minimal dependencies?

Greg Hewgill
+9  A: 

A very popular GUI system for Python (and my personal favourite) is wxPython.

Wayne Koorts
wxPython is also installed by default of OS X 10.5
John Montgomery
I would suggest avoiding wxWidgets unless you really need it's cross platform characteristics. Even then, wx makes me shudder. Many other toolkits are better-designed, easier to use, and more reliable. The one thing wx really rocks at is providing a nearly-native experience in Windows, Mac, and Linux(GTK).
Steve S
Why does it make you shudder? "Better-designed, easier to use, and more reliable" are very subjective terms.
Wayne Koorts
I will grant that "better-designed" and "easier to use" are mostly subjective (though self-consistency is a measurable aspect of both). Still, I've seen consensus among the competent programmers whom I personally know that wx lacks in these areas. Moreover, this has been my own experience, and I have found the gap to be wide. I hold that reliability (or at least many major aspects of it) can be quantitatively measured. Things like how often binary-compatibility is broken, how many API changes occur between minor releases, and the frequency of major bugs are concrete and measurable.
Steve S
For what it's worth, if you like wx, don't let me discourage you. Use the tool that gets the job done. If wx gets your jobs done, then it's the tool to use. I just happen to prefer a different tool for my jobs. ;-)
Steve S
@Steve: Fair comments.
Wayne Koorts
+4  A: 

There is Tkinter. It comes standard with Python and uses native widgets on the Mac.

Bryan Oakley
+9  A: 

I would go with PyObjC. It is supported with XCode (Mac OS X's main development platform) and the resulting application is 100% Cocoa (which is a huge bonus if you don't need cross-platform).

Pablo Santa Cruz