




I am using Spring persistence framework for my project. I want to call oracle function or stored procedure from this framework.

Can anybody suggest how can I achieve this.

Please give solution for both * oracle function and *stored procedure.


+1  A: 

Assuming you are referring to JdbcTemplate:

    new CallableStatementCreator() {
        public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection con) {
            CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall("{call MY_STORED_PROCEDURE(?, ?, ?)}");
            cs.setInt(1, ...); // first argument
            cs.setInt(2, ...); // second argument
            cs.setInt(3, ...); // third argument
            return cs;
    new CallableStatementCallback {
        public Object doInCallableStatement(CallableStatement cs) {
            return null; // Whatever is returned here is returned from the jdbcTemplate.execute method

Calling a function is almost identical:

    new CallableStatementCreator() {
        public CallableStatement createCallableStatement(Connection con) {
            CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall("{? = call MY_FUNCTION(?, ?, ?)}");
            cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); // or whatever type your function returns.
            // Set your arguments
            cs.setInt(2, ...); // first argument
            cs.setInt(3, ...); // second argument
            cs.setInt(4, ...); // third argument
            return cs;
    new CallableStatementCallback {
        public Object doInCallableStatement(CallableStatement cs) {
            int result = cs.getInt(1);
            return result; // Whatever is returned here is returned from the jdbcTemplate.execute method
Adam Paynter
here we are calling SP, how can we call Oracle Function...I m not referring to JdbcTemplate, I am reffering persistence framework using DPTK..
The second example is calling a function. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with DPTK. Does it have a web site?
Adam Paynter
okay, I will try to implement this with my code...hope it will work..Thanks Adam, will let you know the result..
You don't have to use this. I just didn't know what the Spring persistence framework was. This was just my best guess.
Adam Paynter
DPTK(Design Patter Tool Kit) is a RAD plug-in, unfortunately i don't have any web site for it right now, once get I will send it to you..

look in to this site

+1  A: 

Simpler way of calling a Oracle function in Spring is subclassing StoredProcedure like below

public class func extends StoredProcedure{
private static final String SQL = "package.function";

public sproc(DataSource ds){
    declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("param_out",Types.NUMERIC));
    declareParameter(new SqlParameter("param_in",Types.NUMERIC));
    setFunction(true);//you must set this as it distinguishes it from a sproc

public String execute(Long rdsId){
    Map in = new HashMap();
    Map out = execute(in);
        return out.get("param_out").toString();
        return null;


And call it like this

@Autowired DataSource ds;
Func f = new Func(ds);
String i = f.execute(1l);

The Oracle function used here just takes in a numeric parameter and returns a numeric paramter.

non sequitor

Thank you very much for your answer, Adam Paynter.
