



What is this?

"#{h params[:chat_input]}"

I am referring to the hash # and the h.

+8  A: 

Most likely this is inside a double-quoted string, such as "Ponies all love #{h params[:chat_input]}!" The #{stuff} expression causes the stuff expression to be interpreted and inserted into the string. For example "1 + 2 = #{1 + 2}" will result in the string "1 + 2 = 3".

The h is an alias to the html_escape method, which is pretty self-explanatory.

also, #{} is ruby, not rails specific
Matt Briggs
+1  A: 

It's just interpolating a value inside a string. The :chat_input is a symbol, it's used in place of a string because symbols are only created once.

+4  A: 

The code you paste, by itself, is just a comment. I assume the code is inside a string, though.

"hello, #{5 + 5}"
# => hello, 10

The statement inside the brackets will be evaluated as Ruby. This is called string interpolation.

The statement inside the interpolation in your code is a method that gets an argument.

h params[:chat_input]

The h method is a shortcut for html_escape, which escapes HTML. For example, <span> is converted into &lt;span&gt;, so that the browser displays the actual contents of the string, instead of interpreting it as HTML.


You probably know what params is.

To sum up, you get a HTML escaped version of whatever params[:chat_input] contains.

August Lilleaas
+1  A: 


h something

since ruby does not force the use of (), is a function available in rails that converts the parameter to a "safe HTML" string avoiding interpreting the possible HTML code inside of the 'something' variable.


in ruby means converting the x variable to a string and placing it in the new string for example:


will place the value of host and the value of port into the new string formed by the "", in a way that if host is "localhost" and port is 30 the result string will be "localhost:30"

params is a special rails hash that contains the post/get parameters passed to the controller method being executed

another detail is that in ruby a method always returns the last evaluated expression

so the method

def test
   "#{h params[:chat_input]}"

will return a string that has the HTML-safe value of the post/get parameter chat_input

+4  A: 

"#{h params[:chat_input]}"

In ruby, double-quoted strings allow for expressions to be evaluated and automatically converted to strings.

I can do this:

years = 25
"John is " + years +  " years old"

but I'll get an error because I can't add the number to a string.

I can do

"John is #{years} years old"

to get around that.

The h() method is a Rails helper function that removes HTML tags. It's a safety thing.

Finally, params() is a method in Rails that gives you access to GET and POST parameters. It's actually wrapping a hash GET and POST parameters are symbolized to reduce memory (symbols are only defined once, whereas a string like "foo" is a new object every time.)

So, params[:chat_input] retrieves the value from the previous request's GET or POST parameters, and in your case it looks like it's just displaying and sanitizing them.

Hope that helps!

Brian Hogan

holy crap, is that from chat_sandbox by any chance?

if so, let me know if you need any help $)

I'm hoping to update that code here soon.
