A workbench window in Eclipse terminology is a window that contains, typically, a menu, a toolbar, an editor area, and views. Eclipse RCP applications generally contain a single window but some applications allow multiple windows to be created. For example, in the Eclipse IDE one may open another window by selecting 'New Window' from the window menu. Perspectives can be set independently into each window.
Although multiple windows can be confusing, they can also be very useful. For example, if a user may be working on two different datasources but have multiple editors and views open against each datasource then it would be useful to have two windows open. The same effect could be achieved by opening two instances of the RCP application. However that would require multiple copies of code and other resources to be loaded, it would require a full initialization of the application for each datasource, and it would make cross-communications between the windows more difficult.
To allow users of your RCP application to open another window, you have two choices.
You can include the 'New Window' menu item in your RCP application. This can be done by adding to your RCP application the action supplied by the workbench. Modify your ActionBarAdvisor class:
add to the field declarations:
private IWorkbenchAction newWindowAction;
add to the code where you make the actions (typically a method called makeActions):
newWindowAction = ActionFactory.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW.create(window);
add to the code where you create the menus:
where menu is typically the Window menu. If you don't have a Window menu already in your application and would like to create one, the following line will work:
MenuManager menu = new MenuManager(
This will give you a menu item that will create a new window in the same way as the Window->New Window menu item in the Eclipse IDE.
However this gives no control over the input. The second window may have a different set of views and editors open, and may have a different perspective set, but it will still have the same 'input'. For example, in the Eclipse IDE you can open a second window but if you switch workspaces then that will apply to all windows.
A second way to create a new window is to do so programatically by creating pages. This allows you to set an 'input' to a window. So opening a view in one window may result in different data being shown than if you opened the same view in another window.
Technically, a window does not have input. Pages have input. A window can contain at most one page. In may seem from some of the method names that a window can have multiple pages (e.g. getActivePage implies there are inactive pages). Those method names are holdovers from Eclipse 2.0 days when multiple pages were supported.
To open a new page programatically:
IWorkbenchPage newPage = window.openPage(myInput);
This method will create a new page in the given window if the window does not already contain a page, otherwise a new window will be created to contain the page.
If you support multiple windows with different input then you should set a title in each window that distinguishes each window:
newPage.getWorkbenchWindow().getShell().setText("My App - " + myInput.getName());
There are situations in which you may want to change the input to a window. You cannot change the input to a page, so you must do this by closing the existing page and creating a new page. The following code will close the existing page:
IWorkbenchPage activePage = window.getActivePage();
Note that some views provided by Eclipse use the page input. For example, the Common Navigator view will use the page input as the root element of the navigation tree.
To access the page input from your own view, you would call site.getPage().getInput()
. If you have no site context to start from, calling the following will get you the input:
Note that the 'input' is an Object. It can be an object of any class you like. When you get it back from Page::getInput()
, cast it back to the appropriate class. You should not usually create a new class to be the input. You can almost always use an existing class. This is generally the top level object of your object model. The Eclipse framework does nothing with this input except to store it and to pass it back when Page::getInput()
is called.