I'm working on a Python program that makes heavy use of eggs (Plone). That means there are 198 directories full of Python code I might want to search through while debugging. Is there a good way to search only the .py files in only those directories, avoiding unrelated code and large binary files?
You may want to look at ack, a grep substitute, "aimed at programmers with large trees of heterogeneous source code" (from the website)
I second the suggestion to use ack, it's a faster and more capable tool than grep.
I also use ack a lot these days. I did tweak it a bit to find all the relevant file types:
# Add zcml to the xml type:
# Add more files the plone type:
# buildout config files
# Include our page templates to the html type so we can limit our search:
# Create txt file type:
# Define i18n file types:
# More options
Important to remember is that ack won't find files if the extension isn't in its configuration. See "ack --help-types" for all the available types.
I also assume you are using omelette so you can grep/ack/find all the related files?
There's also GNU idutils if you want to grep for identifiers in a large source tree very very quickly. It requires building a search database in advance, by running mkid (and tweaking its config file to not ignore .py files). z3c.recipe.tag takes care of that, if you use buildout.