



This is probably a very dummy question, don't throw your shoes at me :)

Consider having HTML like this:

<div class="container">
    <div class="header">
    <div class="body">
    <div class="footer">

I want 'header' and 'footer' to be anchored to the parent's top and bottom respectively, and 'body' to grow easily to fit all available space. What would the CSS look like to achieve this?

EDIT: Maybe I'm saying this wrong (i'm not exactly a web developer :) ), but what I need is to have some part of a div always attached to its bottom. So when div grows this part (which might have a fixed size) would go lower with the div's lower end. But all this doesn't mean attaching a div to the bottom of browser's window.

+2  A: 

If I understand your question correctly, you require some really basic css.

body { background: black; }
.container { width: 960px; }
.header { height: 100px; background: #ddd; }
.content { padding: 10px; }
.footer { height: 100px; background: #ddd; }

Your div's are not floated, so will stack on top of each other like pancakes.

If you want the footer to be "sticky", see here for a solution...


If im correct your asking for the header and footer to stick top and bottom.

If so this is what you need.

See Here

Good Luck

+1  A: 

Here you go:

Example page - footer sticks to bottom

this will have the content right
between the footer and the header.
no overlapping.

    <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
    <title>footer at bottom</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

 <style type="text/css">
  /* commented backslash hack \*/ 
  html, body{height:100%;} 
  /* end hack */
  html,body{ margin:0;padding:0; font-size:1.2em; text-align:center; }

  .header{ height:200px; background:lightblue; }
  #outer{ min-height:100%; margin-bottom:-50px; height:auto; }
  * html #outer{height:100%;}
  #footer { width:100%; clear:both; height:50px; background-color: lightgreen; color: #000; }
  #clearfooter{ clear:both; height:50px; }
  div>p { margin:0} 
  html>body #minHeight{float:left;width:0px;height:100%;margin-bottom:-52px;} /*safari wrapper */


    <div id="minHeight"></div>
    <!-- Safari hack -->

    <div id="outer">
        <div class="header">Header</div>
        <p>content goes here</p>
        <div id="clearfooter"></div>

    <div id="footer">
