



I'm running WCSF Feb 2008 along with Enterprise Library 3.1 and noticed that randomly I get the "fun"

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, Public ... The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.

Usually this wouldn't be worth mentioning on stackoverflow, but the strange thing is that the first time I fire this up it breaks, but if I close it down and simply hit F11 again - it works .... strange. Does anyone know why this might break sometimes, but not others?

+1  A: 

The problem was related to my version of the data access DLL I was adding. I found that if I went to the following:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Web Client Software Factory February 2008\Microsoft Practices Library

and imported this specific data access DLL instead of the one I compiled myself from the Enterprise Library 3.1 installer, everything worked great.

Toran Billups