



I want to add a variable list of parameters to a Struts2 URL tag. I have a map of the parameters (name value pairs) in an object in the session. I'm struggling to find a good approach to this. Here is the relevant JSP code:

    <s:iterator value="%{#session['com.strutsschool.interceptors.breadcrumbs']}" status="status">
    <s:if test="#status.index > 0">
    <s:url id="uri" action="%{action}" namespace="%{nameSpace}">
            <s:param name="parameters" value="%{parameters}"/>
    <nobr><s:a href="%{uri}"><s:property value="displayName"/></s:a></nobr>

The parameters variable is a Map that contains the params. This, of course does not work but I cannot see a way to approach this at the moment. I'm thinking at the moment that I might need a custom freemarker template for this. Can anyone suggest a better way?


Maybe you can use JSTL tags like this

 <c:url var="uri" value="${namespace}/${action}.action">                
                    <c:forEach items="${parameters}" var="p">
                        <c:param name="${p.key}" value="${p.value}"/>
<a href="${uri}">Your Link</a>

I know there is some hesitation to mix EL with OGNL etc but this works...

Vincent Ramdhanie

You can iterate over a map using

<s:url var="url" action="%{link}" >
  <s:iterator value="parameters.keySet()" var="key">
    <s:param name="%{key}" value="%{parameters.get(#key)}"/>

but the iterator will consume the parameters as it's the parent component of the param.

Check outAdding arbitrary parameters to a URL in Struts2 for how to do this with a custom tag which results in the similar

<s:url var="url" action="%{link}" >
  <s:iterator value="parameters.keySet()" var="key">
    <ob:iterable-param name="%{key}" value="%{parameters.get(#key)}"/>

iterable-param is a custom component that returns the grandparent of the param in the case where the parent is an iterator.

+1  A: 

Hi The Parameter tag populates parameters only to its direct antecessor. Wrappings an iterator tag around the parameter tag has no effect. :) To solve this you can easily write an alternative parameter tag wich can use a map direclty The tag may look like this.

package my.taglibs;

import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.struts2.components.Component;
import org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ComponentTagSupport;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ValueStack;

public class ParamTag extends ComponentTagSupport {

    private String map;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2522878390854066408L;
    Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ParamTag.class);

    public Component getBean(ValueStack stack, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
        return new Param(stack);

    protected void populateParams() {

        Param param = (Param) component;

    public void setMap(String map) { = map;

    public class Param extends Component {

        private String map; 

        public Param(ValueStack stack) {

        public boolean end(Writer writer, String body) {
            Component component = findAncestor(Component.class);
            if ( == null) {       
                log.warn("Attribute map is mandatory.");
                return super.end(writer, "");
            Object o = findValue(; //find map in vs
            if(o == null) {
                log.warn("map not found in ValueStack");
                return super.end(writer, "");
            if(!(o instanceof Map)) {
                log.warn("Error in JSP. Attribute map must evaluate to java.util.Map. Found type: " + o.getClass().getName());
                return super.end(writer, "");

            component.addAllParameters((Map) o);
            return super.end(writer, "");

        public void setMap(String map) {
   = map;

And you need a corresponding tld-entry

    <description><![CDATA[Parametrize other tags]]></description>


Stefan Gebhardt