I'm writing a generator that adds a few files that my server will use. I'd also like to add a line to the environment.rb file. Can this be done with a generator or should I be using an app template?
Rather than modifying environment.rb, check out what you can do with Rails initializers. Basically, you're just going to create a new Ruby .rb file within config/initializers and keep your configuration loading code in there. If you need per-environment configuration, it's best to create another (usually YAML) file within config/ that will store the per-environment configuration variables and load that YAML in your initializer.
2009-05-16 18:58:28
Thanks. That will work even better than what I had in mind.
2009-05-16 19:14:30
You can use initializers for custom initialization code, but if you find adding to an existing file with a generator is appropriate here's how the built-in generators do it:
# Excerpted from template_runner.rb
# Make an entry in Rails routing file conifg/routes.rb
def route(routing_code)
log 'route', routing_code
sentinel = 'ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|'
in_root do
gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /(#{Regexp.escape(sentinel)})/mi do |match|
"#{match}\n #{routing_code}\n"
As you can see, it's just figuring out where they want the code to go (the sentinal
line) and stuffing the new line in right after it.
2009-05-16 19:13:02