




I define routes in my global.asax, like this:

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }

Given a url:


is it possible to determine which route this will map to, and get the corresponding route object, with name, url template and defaults?


+1  A: 

Phil Haack has a blog post with an ASP.NET Routing Debugger that will let you debug any and all routes.

Thanks. Looks like I have to manually iterate over the routes and execute them on the context to see if they match. Utter crap. The more I delve into ASP.Net MVC the more I dislike it.
Andrew Bullock
If a url could mismatch severely enough to break your application, you're not defining your route structure detailed enough. If you need something specific, map your routes accordingly, and you won't have a problem.
Tomas Lycken
Also, you should be able to use the source code to the debugger project to develop your own "iterator" that can iterate over a set of links and display results as you would like to see them.
Tomas Lycken