



I want to get the Zend cert under my belt and am thinking about buying this book: Zend Book

Is this the best book to get in preparation for it. I have heard mixed reviews and some opinions that the book has a lot of errors in it, which is pretty bad if you're trying to learn from it.

UPDATE: Just found this site: Zend Site Has anybody used this also?

+2  A: 

I think the book should be useful in so far it it will help you structure your revision, and give you some useful self-assessment questions at the end of each section.

If budget is not a huge concern, I would acquire the Zend book and complement it with the resources you linked to in your question. On the other hand, if it is an issue, can you not work through some mock exams?

I was contemplating doing the certification myself, and I think the Zend PHP5 Certification Bundle which includes mock exams, texts and a certification voucher is well worth the $165.


This book won't get you through the exam by miracles but it sure helps in getting an overview of what you have to study.

Think of the book as a really good table of contents with a glance at every topic.
