



Is there such a thing as open source gambling software? Would making the source code transparent help increase security over the long haul?


I think the issue would likely be monetization rather than security. With real money gambling online being illegal in the US, it might be hard to justify putting work into a system that wouldn't lock profits in toward the original developers.

Lance Kidwell
+2  A: 

I think I read somewhere that some states were considering forcing companies that make slot machines provide their source for public inspection (rather than just the state's gambling board). That has not happened yet AFAIK, but neither have the voting machines.

As for the kind of software that runs gambling sites online - I kind of doubt it. A lot of those things are run from offshore, so jurisdiction in cases of license violation is shady. There is also no real incentive for a programmer to build one one free, since it can't run within the US, and there is loss of competitive advantage if it is freely distributed.


It shouldn't exist because it's immoral.


I mean it's not appropriate for the open-source community to support something immoral like gambling.

One commenter said my world is black and white. How funny!

hasen j
I wish I lived in a world as black and white as yours.
I'm wondering if he/she means its immoral to gamble, or immoral for the open source community to offer a project that could make money?
@Soviut why do you think I meant it's immoral to make money from open source software? I consider that an insult.
hasen j
+4  A: has a few poker programs.

If you're looking to set up a gambling web site, I doubt you'll find a turnkey Open Source solution.

Releasing your source code could help garner trust with your user base, but there's no proof you're actually running the provided source on your server. In addition, you'd be helping a competitor get set up and take your $$$.

Online gambling is all about $$$$, so I don't think you'll see open source code.

+1  A: 

Off the cuff, I don't know of any open-source gambling software. But I would expect that there is.

The more important question is 'Would open-source code be more transparent and therefore help increase security over the long haul?" The answer to this is that gambling software is really no different from any other software. And that all software which is open-source is far more likely to be secure and bug-free than closed-source software.

To paraphrase that old saying: "To millions of eyes, all bugs are shallow" and also "To millions of eyes, back-door hanky-panky is immediately visible".

+2  A: 

It's not a differentiator. If you are selling large quantities of gambling software (to major casinos, or state/federal lotteries), they demand source code escrow anyway. So the code is at least open to the client, if not to everyone else. That's probably the best case (for the buyer).

+2  A: 

Security wouldn't really be an issue. The more important feature of any gambling site is a safe random number generator. Even with the source being open, its up to whoever deploys the site to set a complex seed, salt it accordingly, and never tell anyone what it is.

Much of the randomization existing gambling sites use is based on many factors that are simply too difficult to reproduce or predict, such as mouse positions. Something like that turns the entire user base into one giant random number generator.

Remember, the easiest way to cheat in online poker isn't using data and random number calculations, its by getting several friends to all sit at a table and conspire against one or two schmucks who aren't in on the scam.

+2  A:

Yes, it is a fact there is almost no open source gambling software. It looks strange to me, but I tried to find gambling open-source projects and I found a few. I worked for the gambling industry in Eastern Europe and I know that there is a lot of commercial software. Gambling software producers are really afraid to open their solutions. They know that their software is really buggy and they do not want to give more opportunities for the attackers.

It is strange that there is open source software for almost everything, but not enough for gambling.

It is pretty expensive to produce gambling game. I suppose it is one of the reasons programmers not to do it.

I do not think that the open source gambling software will be with better quality. Casino managers will be more afraid that they will be attacked more often and more successfully.

There is certification in Eastern Europe. The code is open only for the producer and the certification laboratory.

The random number generator is not an issue. All skilled on-line casino operators have anti-fraud systems. If someone starts to win too much the account is immediately blocked and investigation starts. There are really good written end user agreements and it is written that the casino will not pay you if they suspect that you are doing something wrong. They do not need to prove it. It is enough they to suspect it. Even if they pay you, your name (credit card number) immediately go into the blacklists and in few week all casinos will not let you play. Even very weak random number generator is not a problem if there is strong anti-fraud system. Also, to be able to obtain gambling license you need to meet a lot of issues, one of them is the standard of random number generation.

Pseudo random number generators are problem when you have casino with million of players. It is safest to use some kind of hardware (true random number generator). Most of gambling producers in Eastern Europe are using PRNG and I do not know the case someone to use TRNG.

Once again serious operators are using specialized true random number generator hardware. The problem with this kind of software is that it is slow and you need to combine it with PRNG in a very smart way.

To cheat in on-line poker is not so easy. The anti-fraud systems I saw will not let you do unfair dealing with couple of friends. There are special anti-fraud algorithms to search for collaborative gaming. The best protection for such an attack is not to let player to select the tables. Nowadays anti-fraud systems are really complicated and with elements of artificial intelligence. The best way to cheat on poker is to use bot program. Program that is able to calculate all probabilities, to advise you for optimal strategy and even to play instead of you. Anti-fraud software is not able to distinct very skilled player from very well written bot. This is the only way to cheat and win in on-line poker games.

On-line gambling in US is not forbidden. Some payments from on-line casinos to US banks are forbidden. The US on-line gambling law is pretty complicated and more of the on-line operators do not want to take the risk to operate in US.

:)It is so funny, gambling is not immoral. I am amazed that some one can write such a funny thing. Please come in Eastern Europe you will see amazing thing and believe me gambling will look for you as gift from the god. In Eastern Europe you will find prostitution on each corner into the big cities. You will find 14 years old drinking Vodka on the street. You will find trading with babies. And a lot more, but come and see it I do not like to share more. It is part of our life every day and compared with this somebody to say that gambling is immoral it is absolutely funny.

Gambling as human activity is very ancient it was part of many civilizations and cultures. Moral is pretty fogy topic. What is moral for one is immoral for someone else. The problem of the gamblers are not the games, the problems of the gamblers are inside them in their personality, in their lives. There is nothing immoral to produce open source gambling software.

+1 for trading babies and 14 year olds drinking vodka on the streets.