UPDATED: Added one more question (Question #4).
Hi all,
I'm building myself a custom emailing utility. Now, to obey Single Responsibility Principle, I want to have the following classes: MailerSender, MailProvider and EmailObject. The MailSender is more of a delegate, check it out below:
public class MailSender {
private IMailProvider mailProvider;
public void setMailProvider (IMailProvider provider) {
this.mailProvider = provider;
// option to set it up during construction
public MailSender (IMailProvider provider) {
this.mailProvider = provider;
public void sendEmail(EmailObject obj) {
if(mailProvider == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Need a mail provider to send email.");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// do something here
The MailSender requires an IMailProvider email provider that does the work of sending the email. Find it below:
public interface IMailProvider {
public void sendEmail(EmailObject obj);
public class SMTPEmailProvider implements IMailProvider {
public void sendEmail(EmailObject obj) {
// use SMTP to send email using passed-in config
public class JMSEmailProvider implements IMailProvider {
public void sendEmail(EmailObject obj) {
// push emails to JMS queue to be picked up by another thread
I have defined a few strategies above, but it can be extended to any number. Since the MailSender can change it's provider at any time, it effectively implements the strategy pattern right?
The EmailObject is a POJO containing relavent email information:
public class EmailObject {
private String to;
private String from;
private String cc;
private String subject;
private String body;
// setters and getters for all
Client code will then look like:
MailSender sender = new MailSender(new SMTPMailProvider());
sender.send(new EmailObject());
sender.setMailProvider(new JMSMailProvider());
sender.send(new EmailObject());
My questions are:
1. Have I implemented the Strategy Pattern?
2. Is this design good? Does it make sense for a MailProvider to be aware of an EmailObject?
3. What if I had a new EmailObject later on that required an attachment?
4. The client code now needs to acquire a specific MailProvider before creating a MailSender ... does this make sense?