




I have 2 pages: login.php and index.php. Both pages start with


When I set

$_SESSION['user'] = "name";

in login.php and than open index.php, my session object is empty. How come?


I found the problem: IE 7. I had to grand access to my domain. However, I thought a session is stored on the server, instead of the client? Than why do I have IE grand access to my domain? (http://www.pcwindowstips.com/2007/09/04/how-to-enable-cookies-in-internet-explorer-7/)


Not much info here, I'll try to use my psychic powers.

After the user logs in, do you set the session var and then redirect the user to index.php using an http header? If so, I don't think the session cookie gets sent to the user. If that is the case, the solutions are:

  1. call session_start() when the login form is initially displayed (not just after the user posts back to it); or:
  2. display a "login successful!" message and then redirect with a meta-refresh, or just provide a link to index.php.

You can also try to dump the session ID on both pages, to see if you are somehow starting a new session:

echo 'Session ID is: ' . SID . "<br/>\n"

You need verify if the cookies are enabled and nothing ( this includes blank lines in the beginning or in the end of archive) sent to browser before you call session_start().

Charles Alves
+3  A: 

I thought a session is stored on the server, instead of the client? Than why do I have IE grant access to my domain? (http://www.pcwindowstips.com/2007/09/04/how-to-enable-cookies-in-internet-explorer-7/)

The way sessions work is that a session cookie is stored for the site, which contains your session ID. The only way the server knows who you are is when it reads the session ID cookie on every page load. All of the $_SESSION data is stored on the server for each user, but the cookie must be set for the server to know which $_SESSION data to retrieve.

This is also why you can essentially "become" another user if you obtain their session id cookie.

aah thnx, that make things clear! But is there a workaround for IE7 for this problem?
just enable cookies. most sites on the web today will be broken with cookies disabled anyway, i don't think it's a case you have to worry about.
+1  A: 

Internet Explorers have a stricter cookie policy than most other browsers. Check your session cookie parameters (see also session_get_cookie_params()) and try to replace the default values by explicit values where possible. Additionally you might send a fake P3P policy to satisfy the Internet Explorers.

Thnx, when i do print_r(session_get_cookie_params) I see this: Array ( [lifetime] => 0 [path] => / [domain] => [secure] => [httponly] => ) How can I make this work?
And how do I send a fake p3p policy? I can't found it on Google
Set `session.cookie_domain` to the domain you want to use the cookies in. And the compact P3P policy can be sent with the `header` function.
`session.cookie_domain` must be set in the php.ini? If so, i don't have access to that..
No, you can set it either with the `ini_set` or `session_set_cookie_params` function. See “changable” column in http://docs.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php