



I have some PHP code that is designed to make a spreadsheet with formulas already in it to sum some columns. It seems there should be a much more elegant way to do this than the code below. What are some refactorings or design patterns that could accomplish something like the code below better?

echo ",Current Milestone,Total Hours,Milestone 1 Hours,Milestone 2 Hours,Milestone 3 Hours\n";
$row = 2; 
$totSSRange = ""; 
foreach($departments as $dept){
 $deptStartRow = $row + 1;
 echo $dept['name']."\n";
 foreach($dept['modules'] as $module){
  echo $module['name'].','.$module['ms'].',=SUM(D'.$row.':F'.$row.'),'.$module['m1'].','.$module['m2'].','.$module['m3']."\n";
 $deptSSRange = "C".$deptStartRow.":C".$row; 
 $totSSRange .= $deptSSRange.","; 
 $sumStr = "=SUM(".$deptSSRange.")"; 
 echo 'Sum,,'.$sumStr.','.str_replace("C","D",$sumStr).','.str_replace("C","E",$sumStr).','.str_replace("C","F",$sumStr)."\n\n";
$totSumStr = "\"=SUM(".$totSSRange.")\"";
echo 'Total,,'.$totSumStr.','.str_replace("C","D",$totSumStr).','.str_replace("C","E",$totSumStr).','.str_replace("C","F",$totSumStr);
+2  A: 

Use PEAR::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, it will actually enforce some good design prenciples on you, plus it will sanitize and normalize all the input.
