You'll really have to expand that question a little. Also, "cubic spline" is a very wide term.
If you're interested in splines, I can heartly reccomend Carl de Boors "A Practical Guide to Splines". It is however a little mathematically oriented, but it has code examples included (they can be downloaded from the author's home page). Googling and wikiing for "cubic spline" can bring up some examples, maybe even in particular languages - another thing to add to the question (if you're looking for code).
If you're interested in extrapolation and curve fitting, googling those could help. Matlab package has a very nice curve fitting toolbox. Wikipedia has some links to useful references
Really, it is too wide a question, to even start guessing an answer.
Also, could you explain what exactly are you trying to do ? What kind of data ? Anything ?
Edit1: Here, try this: you may find something useful in here - link