




Hi, I m having some div tags which onchange i want to insert the new value into my database.. As people suggests , i m using $.ajax POST to insert ..SInce i m new to JQuery and Ajax..I dono what actually that data and msg in $.ajax()..Please suggest me how to insert my value to database asynchronously....(on the Fly)

                     type: "POST",
                     url: "./server",
                     data: "name=John&location=Boston",
                     success: function(msg){
                     alert( "Data Saved: " + msg);

+2  A: 

The data attribute should be an object

                 type: "POST",
                 url: "./server",
                 data: {name:"John", location:"Boston"},
                 success: function(msg){
                 alert( "Data Saved: " + msg);


On the server-side simply retrieve post parameters as usual. For example, in php you would do something like $_POST("name") and $_POST("location"). Response generated by PHP would appear as msg. So you can just echo "Save operation succeeded" in your PHP script after executing your insert.

Tahir Akhtar
+1  A: 

You might consider using $.post instead. It is easier to handle. The drawback is that it doesn't offer error notification.

Miha Markic

When you say "insert my value to database asynchronously....(on the Fly)", I hope you mean "insert into the database, period".

The POST request (either by $.ajax() or by $.post() ) can only send your data from the client to you server.

You will need to write server side code to do the insertion.

Lets say you have a script called "do-insertion.php" on your server that can insert data into a database, if the POST variables "name" and "location" are submitted to it.

So you would write (I guess you already know this):

$.post( "do-insertion.php", {"name":"John", "location":"SF"}, function(data){alert("got response="+data);} );

The important thing is what you write on the server side code. I assume PHP, so you would use the mysql API for php and insert your data into your database.

ofcourse, you can read the submited data as



This applies only to PHP; other languages will have other methods to do everything.

By the way, did you mean anything special by the "asynchronously .... (on the fly)" in your question?

Here Be Wolves