



I would like to install Visual Studio 2008 on a PC with an existing VS2005 install. Due to the lack of space on my C: drive, I would like to install VS2008 on my D: drive. Is this possible?


I have reinstalled all trivial applications on my D: drive, and have cleared as much space as possible on the C: drive. Due to the fact that my development machine is locked down, I cannot change the default partition size or rebuild the machine.

I am aware that this is not strictly a programming question, but as it does relate to the development environment, I thought I would ask it.

+2  A: 

When you do a custom install, you have the opportunity to specify the target directory, although some space on the system drive will still be required.

I believe this space is for stuff that goes in Program Files\Common Files. If you get your Program Files folder moved, it might help (of course, that would also require you to ask IT...).