



Is there an easy way to handle when a user clicks on a wxTextCtrl? After reading the docs wxTextCtrl I see that there isn't a click or double click event. I understand that there is no such thing as "click" events in wxWidgets from the question wxWidgets: Detecting click event on custom controls, so a simple mouse down event will do.

Example answer:

From: wx wiki

              wxMouseEventHandler(MyClass::OnClick), NULL, this );
+2  A: 

Have you tried to handle the wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN and wxEVT_LEFT_UP events for your text control? Either by adding them to the static message map, or by calling Connect() for the handler methods.


Not all events are listed in the documentation of a class. You need to go up in the hierarchy as well, from wxTextCtrl to wxControl to wxWindow. Unfortunately I can find the documentation for the mouse events in neither class. It should still be possible to handle them, even if it is not clearly documented.

No, I don't see that event listed at Are those event for hooking mouse events in general via the wxMouseEvent class or is there event there, but just hidden? I'm using Code::Blocks for the GUI designer and it doesn't show any events for the mouse i.e. "selected" or "activated." Where should I go from there? I have no problem writing the code without the designer. Thanks.
Chris Andrews
Can you show me an example Connect() call? My connect line looks like this: Connect (IS_TEXTCTRL1, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, (wxObjectEventFunction) Everything compiles just fine but MyClass::OnTextMouseDown never gets called. Thanks for the help.
Chris Andrews
Chris Andrews
Chris Andrews
It looks like you have made it to work, great. There are several ways to use the dynamic event handling, unfortunately the event sample is a little dated and doesn't show everything. Documentation is scarce, and may even be wrong (see - I have found it best to read the wxWidgets source and header files.