




I am writing my first serious wxWidgets program. I'd like to use the wxConfig facility to make the program's user options persistent. However I don't want wxConfigBase to automatically use the Windows registry. Even though I'm initially targeting Windows, I'd prefer to use a configuration (eg .ini) file. Does anyone know a clean and simple way of doing this ? Thanks.

+2  A: 

According to the source of wx/config.h file, all you need is to define the wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE symbol to 0 in your project and then it will always use wxFileConfig.

Paulius Maruška
Thanks for this, it didn't quite work exactly but did point me in the right direction. Instead of undefining wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE, redefining wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE from its default of 1 to 0 instead does work.
Bill Forster
Oh and of course if you edit the post to indicate that you need to define wxUSE_CONFIG_NATIVE to 0, I will accept the answer.
Bill Forster
+1  A: 

The cleanest and simplest way is to use wxFileConfig class.

Milan Babuškov