Hi, I'm a complete perl novice, am running a perl script using perl 5.10 and getting this warning:
$* is no longer supported at migrate.pl line 380.
Can anyone describe what $* did and what the recommended replacement of it is now? Alternatively if you could point me to documentation that describes this that would be great.
The script I'm running is to migrate a source code database from vss to svn and can be found here: http://www.x2systems.com/files/migrate.pl.txt
The two snippets of code that use it are:
$* = 1;
$/ = ':';
$cmd = $SSCMD . " Dir -I- \"$proj\"";
$_ = `$cmd`;
# what this next expression does is to merge wrapped lines like:
# $/DeviceAuthority/src/com/eclyptic/networkdevicedomain/deviceinterrogator/excep
# tion:
# into:
# $/DeviceAuthority/src/com/eclyptic/networkdevicedomain/deviceinterrogator/exception:
$* = 0;
and then some ways later on:
$cmd = $SSCMD . " get -GTM -W -I-Y -GL\"$localdir\" -V$version \"$file\" 2>&1";
$out = `$cmd`;
# get rid of stupid VSS warning messages
$* = 1;
$out =~ s/\n?Project.*rebuilt\.//g;
$out =~ s/\n?File.*rebuilt\.//g;
$out =~ s/\n.*was moved out of this project.*rebuilt\.//g;
$out =~ s/\nContinue anyway.*Y//g;
$* = 0;
many thanks,
- Rory