I am building an application to distribute to fellow academics. The application will take three parameters that the user submits and output a list of dates and codes related to those events. I have been building this using a dictionary and intended to build the application so that the dictionary loaded from a pickle file when the application called for it. The parameters supplied by the user will be used to lookup the needed output.
I selected this structure because I have gotten pretty comfortable with dictionaries and pickle files and I see this going out the door with the smallest learning curve on my part. There might be as many as two million keys in the dictionary. I have been satisfied with the performance on my machine with a reasonable subset. I have already thought through about how to break the dictionary apart if I have any performance concerns when the whole thing is put together. I am not really that worried about the amount of disk space on their machine as we are working with terabyte storage values.
Having said all of that I have been poking around in the docs and am wondering if I need to invest some time to learn and implement an alternative data storage file. The only reason I can think of is if there is an alternative that could increase the lookup speed by a factor of three to five or more.