
What is the least resource intense data structure to distribute with a Python Application

I am building an application to distribute to fellow academics. The application will take three parameters that the user submits and output a list of dates and codes related to those events. I have been building this using a dictionary and intended to build the application so that the dictionary loaded from a pickle file when the appli...

Return a list of dictionaries that match the corresponding list of values in python

For example, this is my list of dictionaries: [{'name': 'John', 'color': 'red' }, {'name': 'Bob', 'color': 'green'}, {'name': 'Tom', 'color': 'blue' }] Based on the list ['blue', 'red', 'green'] I want to return the following: [{'name': 'Tom', 'color': 'blue' }, {'name': 'John', 'color': 'red' }, {'name': 'Bob', 'color': '...

Why if hashCode method is implemented, equals methods must also be implemented in case of keys in Dictionary the datatype?

Hello, Datatype: Dictionary keys Can somebody please tell me importance of implementing both(hashCode/equals) of them simultaneously. because I think if we implement hashCode method equals is going to compare hashCodes and give us the equality. ...

Removing lines from a string + old entries from a Dictionary in C#

I have a Dictionary the first string, the key's, must never change.. it cant be deleted or anything.. but the value, i keep adding lines, and lines, and lines to the values.. i just create new lines with \r\n or \r .. and im just wondering what would be the easiest way to retain just the last 50 lines. and delete anything over the 50 lin...

python list of dicts how to merge key:value where values are same?

Python newb here looking for some assistance... For a variable number of dicts in a python list like: list_dicts = [ {'id':'001', 'name':'jim', 'item':'pencil', 'price':'0.99'}, {'id':'002', 'name':'mary', 'item':'book', 'price':'15.49'}, {'id':'002', 'name':'mary', 'item':'tape', 'price':'7.99'}, {'id':'003', 'name':'john', 'item':'pe...

Is there a way to extract a dict in Python into the local namespace?

PHP has a function called extract() which takes an associative array as the argument and creates local variables out of the keys whose values are assigned to the key's values. Is there a way to do this in Python? A quick google search didn't immediately show me how. I suspect there's a way with exec() but it'd be nice if there were some ...

Python: Get values (objects) from a dictionary of objects in which one of the object's field matches a value (or condition)

Hello everybody! I have a python dictionary whose keys are strings and the values are objects. For instance, and object with one string and one int class DictItem: def __init__(self, field1, field2): self.field1 = str(field1) self.field2 = int(field2) and the dictionary: myDict = dict() myDict["sampleKey1"] = DictIte...

how to copy a dictionary in python 3.1 and edit ONLY the copy

can someone please explain this to me??? this doesn't make any sense to me.... I copy a dictionary into another and edit the second and both are changed???? ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on Python 3.1 (r31:73572, Jun 28 2009, 19:55:39) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or...

Combining entries, filtering of Python dictionaries

I have two large lists that are filled with dictionaries. I need to combine the entries if a value from dict2==dict1 and place the newly combined matches somewhere else. I'm having trouble explaining it. List one contains: {'keyword':value, 'keyword2':value2} List two: {'keyword2':value2, 'keyword3':value3} I want a new list with ...

How do I convert this list of dictionaries to a csv file? [Python]

I have a list of dictionaries that looks something like this: toCSV = [{'name':'bob','age':25,'weight':200},{'name':'jim','age':31,'weight':180}] What should I do to convert this to a csv file that looks something like this: name,age,weight bob,25,200 jim,31,180 ...

Python dictionaries: changing the order of nesting

I have a dictionary, with 300 key value pairs, where each of the keys are integers and the values are dictionaries with three key value pairs. The inner dictionaries all have the same keys, but different values. The whole thing looks pretty much like this: nested_dicts = {1: {'name1':88.4, 'name2':22.1, 'name3':115.7}, 2: {'...

How to efficiently output dictionary as csv file using Python's csv module? Out of memory error.

I am trying to serialize a list of dictionaries to a csv text file using Python's CSV module. My list has about 13,000 elements, each is a dictionary with ~100 keys consisting of simple text and numbers. My function "dictlist2file" simply calls DictWriter to serialize this, but I am getting out of memory errors. My function is: def ...

In Python - a way to choose which dictionary to iterate over (and manipulate values in)

Here's my problem: Lets say I have two dictionaries, dict_a and dict_b. Each of them have similar keys and values that I can manipulate in the same way, and in fact that's what I'm doing in a large piece of code. Only I don't want to have to write it twice. However, I can't do something like this: if choose_a == 1: for x and y in...

loop through list of dictionaries

hello! i have a list of dictionaries. there are several points inside the list, some are multiple. When there is a multiple entry i want to calculate the average of the x and the y of this point. My problem is, that i don't know how to loop through the list of dictionaries to compare the ids of the points! when i use something like tha...

Problem requiring lists

The current issue im facing is comes from the following scenario. I have a script that runs a commandline program to find all files of a certain extension within an specific folder, lets call these files File A. Another section of the script runs a grep command through each file for filenames within File A. What would be the best method ...

Objective-C Problem with Dictionaries & Arrays

Hello! I am attempting to follow the tutorial shown here - http://www.iphonesdkarticles.com/2009/01/uitableview-sectioned-table-view.html - and implement it in my own code. Here's the problem I'm getting - data, wishlists, and wishlistids are all NSMutableArrays. I know this problem is occuring on the line where I try to add the dict...

Loading plist with array-->dictionaries-->dictionaries into core data?

HI, I have a plist that comprises an array of dictionaries that each contain multiple dictionaries of strings. That is I have a: MusicDataArray-->Mel ---->filename1 ---->filename2 ---->filename3 -->Bass ---->filename1 ---->filename2 I need to read this ...

python comparing dictionaries

level: beginner word= 'even' dict2 = {'i': 1, 'n': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 2, 'v': 2} i want to know if word is entirely composed of letters in dict2 my approach: step 1 : convert word to dictionary(dict1) step2: for k in dict1.keys(): if k in dict2: if dict1[k] != dict2[k]: return False ...

flatten a dictionary of dictionaries of lists in Python

Hi all... I'm trying to wrap my brain around this but it's not flexible enough. In my Python script I have a dictionary of dictionaries of lists. (Actually it gets a little deeper but that level is not involved in this question.) I want to flatten all this into one long list, throwing away all the dictionary keys. Thus I want to transf...