Another solution to this would be to avoid writing a calculator like that altogether. Writing an RPN parser is much simpler, and doesn't have any of the ambiguity inherent in writing math with infix notation.
import operator, math
calc_operands = {
'+': (2, operator.add),
'-': (2, operator.sub),
'*': (2, operator.mul),
'/': (2, operator.truediv),
'//': (2, operator.div),
'%': (2, operator.mod),
'^': (2, operator.pow),
'**': (2, math.pow),
'abs': (1, operator.abs),
'ceil': (1, math.ceil),
'floor': (1, math.floor),
'round': (2, round),
'trunc': (1, int),
'log': (2, math.log),
'ln': (1, math.log),
'pi': (0, lambda: math.pi),
'e': (0, lambda: math.e),
def calculate(inp):
stack = []
for tok in inp.split():
if tok in self.calc_operands:
n_pops, func = self.calc_operands[tok]
args = [stack.pop() for x in xrange(n_pops)]
elif '.' in tok:
if not stack:
raise ValueError('no items on the stack.')
return stack.pop()
if stack:
raise ValueError('%d item(s) left on the stack.' % len(stack))
calculate('24 38 * 32 / 2 +')