I have seen a few examples of handling cascading dropdowns in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery and Ajax. Of course, this requires javascript to be enabled. Assuming javascript is disabled what would be a best practice for handling cascading dropdowns.
Here is a real-world scenario of a asp.net web form I develop for a inventory app for th company I work. On the web page I have cascading dropdowns. For this example, say a dropdown of Car Makes and a Car Model which depends on the selected Car Make. Also, on this form I have a user control which implements a search feature so the user can enter the city and or state, select search, and select the customer from a gridview, which triggers an event to store the Customer ID in a field for the current order on the web page. I'm not using javascript on this page. The dropdown triggers a postback and reloads the dropdown values in the 2nd dropwdown. The search user control causes postbacks when the user clicks the Find button and when the user chooses the customer from the gridview.
How would this be handled in MVC? Would the postbacks in my example equate to actions in MVC? Would there be an action for the changing of Car Make? An action for the search? An action for the selection from the gridview?