If I've understood the question.
The full path is a path with in the current application or a child application. It is not a path limited to the parent nor a path into a sibling application. The desired path is relative to the current applications path.
Scenario 1
A path such as
should resolve it to:-
(although the ~/ notation isn't something ASP classic understands).
Scenario 2
you still want:-
Scenario 3
The app is the root application of the site:-
would still become
The key to solving this is:-
Dim sAppMetaPath : sAppMetaPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_MD_PATH")
For the above set of scenarios this will result in something like:-
- "/LM/W3SVC/33230916/Root/someApp"
- "/LM/W3SVC/33230916/Root/someApp/someSubApp"
- "/LM/W3SVC/33230916/Root"
Dim sInstanceMetaPath: sInstanceMetaPath = Request.ServerVariables("INSTANCE_META_PATH")
will in all the scenarios return
With some mathematical reduction we can arrive at the function:-
Function ToAppRelative(virtualPath)
Dim sAppMetaPath : sAppMetaPath = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_MD_PATH")
Dim sInstanceMetaPath: sInstanceMetaPath = Request.ServerVariables("INSTANCE_META_PATH")
ToAppRelative = "~/" & Mid(virtualPath, Len(sAppMetaPath) - Len(sInstanceMetaPath) - 3)
End Function