I would like to return a list/array of all keys that have an error against them. I have tried to do ModelState.ToList(item => item.Value.Errors.Count>0) but it says I can't have that sort of expression for some reason.
I would like to return a list/array of all keys that have an error against them. I have tried to do ModelState.ToList(item => item.Value.Errors.Count>0) but it says I can't have that sort of expression for some reason.
Count is a method. You need ()s after is. But I'd prefer Any, anyway:
from item in ModelState
where item.Value.Errors.Any()
select item.Key
var errors = from modelstate in ModelState.AsQueryable().Where(f => f.Value.Errors.Count > 0) select new { Title = modelstate.Key };