Gday All,
I have been dabbling in some F# of late and I came up with the following string builder that I ported from some C# code. It converts an object into a string provided it passes a Regex defined in the attributes. Its probably overkill for the task at hand but its for learning purposes.
Currently the BuildString member uses a mutable string variable updatedTemplate. I have been racking my brain to work out a way doing this without any mutable objects to no avail. Which brings me to my question.
Is it possible to implement the BuildString member function without any mutable objects?
//The Validation Attribute
type public InputRegexAttribute public (format : string) as this =
inherit Attribute()
member self.Format with get() = format
//The class definition
type public Foo public (firstName, familyName) as this =
member self.FirstName with get() = firstName
member self.FamilyName with get() = familyName
module ObjectExtensions =
type System.Object with
member this.BuildString template =
let mutable updatedTemplate : string = template
for prop in this.GetType().GetProperties() do
for attribute in prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<InputRegexAttribute>,true).Cast<InputRegexAttribute>() do
let regex = new Regex(attribute.Format)
let value = prop.GetValue(this, null).ToString()
if regex.IsMatch(value) then
updatedTemplate <- updatedTemplate.Replace("{" + prop.Name + "}", value)
raise (new Exception "Regex Failed")
open ObjectExtensions
let foo = new Foo("Jane", "Doe")
let out = foo.BuildInputString("Hello {FirstName} {FamilyName}! How Are you?")
printf "%s" out
with | e -> printf "%s" e.Message