I might have to write an application for this, but I thought I'd ask here first, maybe someone else already wrote it.
I am looking for a small, preferably web application with the following features:
- everyone logs on, so the app can know who does what
- everyone can add tasks and assign them to someone (including themselves)
- you can mark a task as completed and it gets deleted or moved to a "completed" tab
- everyone can look at a page showing the tasks for any person
- the most important thing: anyone can drag and reorder the tasks of anyone else, BUT that gets logged and written in some kind of "history log" on the page (in reverse order)
For example, if I look at my page I want to see something like this:
-- list of tasks --
- Finish the X project
- Redeploy Z
- Document the changes to Y for the release notes
-- history --
- Nick moved "Finish the X project" to position 1 from 3
- Joe moved "Redeploy Z" to position 1 from 3
- Sam added "Redeploy Z" (position 3)
I need this application because right now I get tasks from about 6 directions (new development, support, fixes and so on) and everyone believes their task should have highest priority. I want to let them fight it "in the clear" so that they have to decide "is my task really more important than these other tasks"?
Has anyone seen anything like this? If not, do you have any pointers - I don't want to make it overly complicated, but if you have any ideas I missed, I'd appreciate them.