I'd hope some healthy discussion will come out of this more so than a specific
solution so I'll Community Wiki it as it is a fairly subjective topic. Appreciate if it can be left open as a helpful resource.
Recently I've taken over as Dev Manager with a small Technical Team.
The Business/Marketting/Design Teams out number the technical team by roughly 4:1 so as you can imagine there's a lot of work involved trying to insulate the technical team from the flurry of requirements.
To that end, we've put some proper processes in place, using SCRUM for project development, requiring business team members to fill out proper requirements documents, use cases etc...
In the coming weeks after our first major release we'll be introducing the business team to proper UAT process, issue reporting & change request processes & ourselves improving our issue triage and bug fix procedures. But as you can imagine it's a pretty steep learning curve and mindset change for all involved.
Just looking for some general feed back from the technical community (dev's, team leads & dev managers) who've experienced similar and how they approached any particular snag points.