Is it possible to make XA-transactional access to the file system in Java? I want to manipulate files within the boundaries of a transaction and my transaction must participate in a distributed transaction via JTA (so I guess the file system needs to be accesses as a XAResource). I don't need support for fine-grained read/write file access; treating each file as a record is good enough for my needs.
Does anybody know an open-source project that already does this? I don't feel like implementing this mess just to find out that it's already been done...
I heard some rumors that JBoss Transcations will add support for this (see for example this discussion) but couldn't find an official statement about this.
By the way, if you need transactional file access but don't require the transaction to participate in a 2-phase commit I recommend you have a look at Apache Commons Transaction
A nice article about the complexities involved can be found in here.