



This is how I create XStream instance for XML:

XStream xstream = new XStream();

This is for JSON:

private final XStream xstream = new XStream(new JsonHierarchicalStreamDriver() {
        public HierarchicalStreamWriter createWriter(Writer writer) {
            return new JsonWriter(writer, JsonWriter.DROP_ROOT_MODE);

Both of them are pretty-printing (indenting) the output.

How can I ask the XStream to disable the pretty printing?

==== The Answer =====

With some help from the community, I've figured out the answer.

For XML you have to change the way how you serialize:

The line:

xStream.toXML(o, new OutputStreamWriter(stream, encoding));

changed to line

xStream.marshal(o, new CompactWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, encoding)));

For JSON you only change the way how the XStream is created. So the initialization of the XStream is changed to:

private final XStream xstreamOut = new XStream(new JsonHierarchicalStreamDriver() {
    public HierarchicalStreamWriter createWriter(Writer writer) {
        return new JsonWriter(writer, new char[0], "", JsonWriter.DROP_ROOT_MODE);

Note that the 4-parameter JsonWriter constructor is used.

+1  A: 

Use the marschal method on xstream with a compact writer

xstream.marshal(someObject, new CompactWriter(out));
What is the difference between "marshal" and "toXML"?This is what I use now:xStream.toXML(o, new OutputStreamWriter(stream, encoding));
Apparently the CompactWriter works only for XML. I've modified my command to the following one and now I'm getting always XML, even if I need JSON:xStream.marshal(o, new CompactWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, encoding)));
See JavaDoc - toXML: Serialize an object to a pretty-printed XML String. - marschal: Serialize and object to a hierarchical data structure (such as XML). So with marshal you get some output options. There doenst seam to be such an option for JSON.

See the answer in the body of the question. I've marked it as Wiki.

+3  A: 

Thanks, your posts helped!!! Here is what I use to convert to a String.

String strXML = "";
XStream xs = new XStream();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
xs.marshal(this,  new CompactWriter(sw));
strXML = sw.toString();

Keywords: java xstream string compactwriter
