I'm afraid that you are probably stuck. If you run your terms through ts_debug you will see that 'quick.brown' is parsed as a hostname and 'quick/brown' is parsed as filesystem path. The parser really isn't that clever sadly.
My only suggestion is that you preprocess your texts to convert these tokens to spaces. You could easily create a function in plpgsql to do that.
nicg=# select ts_debug('the quick.brown fox');
(asciiword,"Word, all ASCII",the,{english_stem},english_stem,{})
(blank,"Space symbols"," ",{},,)
(blank,"Space symbols"," ",{},,)
(asciiword,"Word, all ASCII",fox,{english_stem},english_stem,{fox})
(5 rows)
As you can see from the above you don't get tokens for quick and brown