I've tried all manner of Python modules and they either escape too much or in the wrong way. What's the best way you've found to escape quotes (", ') in Python?
If it's part of a Database query you should be able to use a Parameterized SQL Statement.
As well as escaping your quotes, this will deal with all special characters and will protect you from SQL injection attacks.
Single quote and double quote can be used to escape each other, see
>>> print('"foo"')
>>> print("'foo'")
For a solution to a more generic problem, I have a program where I needed to store any set of characters in a flat file, tab delimited. Obviously, having tabs in the 'set' was causing problems.
Instead of output_f.write(str), I used output_f.write(repr(str)), which solved my problem. It is slower to read, as I need to eval() the input when I read it, but overall, it makes the code cleaner because I don't need to check for fringe cases anymore.
If you're using psycopg2 that has a method for escaping strings: psycopg2.extensions.adapt()
See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/309945/how-to-quote-a-string-value-explicitly-python-db-api-psycopg2 for the full answer