



I have transferred my website from old server to shared server.

All my code is in "lfdata/main/com" under "public_html" on the shared server.

The clean URL would look like follows:


and the rewritten URL should be:


So can anyone suggest a rewrite rule for creating above URL?


this will do your rewrite including query string params

RewriteRule ^~name/how(.*)$ ~name/lfdata/main/com/how.php$1
Luke Schafer
The query cannot be matched with the RewriteRule directive. That’s only possible with the RewriteCond directive.
+2  A: 

Try this rule:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/~[^/]+/lfdata/main/com/
RewriteRule ^(~[^/]+)/(.+) $1/lfdata/main/com/$2.php [L]

This will rewrite any request of /~name/foobar internally to /~name/lfdata/main/com/foobar.php.

+1. Don't forget QSA, I think this is desired as well.
QSA is not necessary if you don’t modify the query.
I have tried above but it not works?Can I paste my .htaccess file here ?
If it’s not too long, sure.
<FilesMatch "\.(engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|.*sql|theme|tpl(\.php)?|xtmpl)$|^(code-style\.pl|Entries.*|Repository|Root|Tag|Template)$">Order allow,deny</FilesMatch>Options -IndexesOptions +FollowSymLinks</Files>DirectoryIndex index.php<IfModule mod_php4.c></IfModule><IfModule sapi_apache2.c></IfModule><IfModule mod_php5.c></IfModule><IfModule mod_expires.c><IfModule mod_rewrite.c>RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/~[^/]+/lf/main/com/RewriteRule ^(~[^/]+)/(.+) $1/lf/main/com/$2.php [L]</IfModule>
There is a `</IfModule>` missing. But why are you using those empty `<IfModule>` blocks anyway? And why do you have mod_rewrite dependent on mod_expires?
actually file is too big so i removed some content .There is any way to send this file to you?? so i will describe it my problem.Can we solve it online ? If you do not mind.
Have you tried to put the mod_rewrite directives on top of the others?
yes I just tried but it shows "The page cannot be found" error
Try some debugging. Take a look into the server error log and at the logging feature of mod_rewrite (see RewriteLogLevel directive).
i tried RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.[^./]+)$RewriteCond %{REQUEST_fileNAME} !-dRewriteCond %{REQUEST_fileNAME} !-f# then add .html to get the actual filenamerewriterule (.*) lf/main/com/$1.php [L]please go through this: this our url and click on "How it works" and see the url in browser .it looks like ""can you please tell me what is going wrong??
You’re probably using relative URL paths rather than absolute ones.
Since I have not done this coding, I am really not able to find where the actual path is config it provides "root" => "/home/laborfa2/public_html/lf/main/","smarty" => "/home/laborfa2/public_html/lf/var/smarty/",
Is that where we should provide? I think they are absolute now,,...any other place we need to make the change?