



There are 2 html files, file-1.htm and file-2.htm. There is another html file, test.htm, with a drop-down having 2 values, "Load Sample-1" and "Load Sample-2".

This is what I am trying: When "Load Sample-1" is selected from the drop-down, file-1.htm should be loaded as a nested html in test.htm.

Right now I am able to achieve this through javascript by having the content of file-1.htm and file-2.htm inside test.htm. Bt as the drop-down grows bigger, test.htm would become huge. How can this be achieved by having separate html files for each entry in the drop-down?

+7  A: 

Why don't you just use an <iframe>, and then have the JavaScript dynamically change the source of the iframe?

Here's a bare-bones page demonstrating how to use this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var changePage = function() {
    var iframe = document.getElementById("myiframe");  // One of the many ways to select your iframe
    var select = document.getElementById("pageselected");
    var url = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
    iframe.src = url;
<select id="pageselected">
    <option value="page1.html">Page 1</option>
    <option value="page2.html">Page 2</option>
<input type="button" onclick="changePage()" value="Change Page" />
<iframe id="myiframe"></iframe>

You may be asking yourself "why did he not just use onchange for the <select>? Well, I've got a little war going with <select> + onchange that I detail here, but basically using it makes your website completely inaccessible to keyboard-only users who are using Internet Explorer 6 or 7. (Not sure if it is still broken in 8.)

Daniel Lew
+1 — I expect this is far and away the simplest method of achieving the effect.
Ben Blank
Thanks for the answer. How would the url change for different html files? Could you please show how the complete javascript file would look like?
I've updated my answer with a more full example.
Daniel Lew
I'd suggest using `document.getElementById("myiframe")` rather than `document.all.myiframe`. Firefox, at least, doesn't support the latter.
Ben Blank
Good call, updated answer.
Daniel Lew
Thanks again for the page. It works perfectly in IE6, but doesn't work in Firefox 3. Any idea why?
Hmm, I don't know... I actually tested it in Firefox 3, so it ought to work there. Maybe there is something else on the page that is causing problems?
Daniel Lew

If the drop down is "huge" then I would suggest no longer using a drop down and looking into some of the existing autocompletion boxes out there for your language of choice.

If there are hundreds and hundreds of options a dropdown is no longer an appropriate form element.

Martin Murphy

You can use AJAX to accomplish this. There's a million different AJAX tutorials out there that can introduce you to the technique.

+3  A: 

If you use JQuery they have a fancy function jquery('#div').load()

Works great and also supports GET and POST parameters.

thanks for the link
Chris Simpson