Here is a transcript of my failed attempt to attach an EBS volume to an instance:
user $ ec2-attach-volume vol-7fba5ece --instance i-436ec703 --device /mnt/sdh
ATTACHMENT vol-7fba5ece i-436ec703 /mnt/sdh attaching 2009-05-22T19:58:15+0000
I take this as a success message, no?
user $ ec2-describe-volumes
VOLUME vol-7fba5ece 10 us-east-1a available 2008-12-01T22:05:02+0000
I understand that it takes some time for the attachment to occur, but it seems that ec2-attach-volume is having absolutely no effect. The volume is still listed as available, even 15 minutes later. So it appears that nothing is happening, although the return from ec2-attach-volume indicates a successful call.
I can't see what I could possibly be doing wrong, and moreover I'm getting a success message back from AWS. Is anyone else having this problem? What's going on?