




I've got the following code which I think ought to be binding a DataTable to a DataGridView, but the DataGridView shows up empty. The DataTable definately has rows, so I assume that I am binding the DataSource incorrectly some how. Does anyone see what is wrong with this:

DataBase db = new DataBase(re.OutputDir+"\\Matches.db");
MatchDBReader reader = new MatchDBReader(db.NewConnection());

BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
bindingSource.DataSource = reader.GetDataTable();

this.dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource.DataSource;
  • The first line simply gets a handle to the DB that I'm pulling data from.
  • The next line is a provides a class for reading from that same db - in particular it exposes the GetDataTable method with returns the data table that I intend to put into the DataGridView.
  • The next line is uninteresting...
  • The 4th line attempts to grab the DataTable - QuickWatch indicates that this is working...
  • The final line is where I assume i've screwed understanding is that this binds the DataTable to the DataGridView GUI, but nothing shows up.

Any thoughts?

+1  A: 

You need to attach your BindingSource to your grid, before you get the data table.

Try switching the last two lines of code:

DataBase db = new DataBase(re.OutputDir+"\\Matches.db");
MatchDBReader reader = new MatchDBReader(db.NewConnection());
BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource.DataSource;
bindingSource.DataSource = reader.GetDataTable();
Robert Harvey
+2  A: 

Try binding the DataGridView directly to the BindingSource, and not the BindingSource's DataSource:

this.dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource;
+1  A: 

Along with above solutions also fix the "bindingSource" datamember property. like:

bindingSource.DataMember = yourDataSet.DataTable;

I had the same problem with sql database and datagrid view. After a great deal of trouble I found out that I've forgot to set dataMember property of my binding source.

best of luck.

Asad Malik
that's actually what im doing with this line here: bindingSource.DataSource = reader.GetDataTable();
you are setting the datasoure property of bindingSource... not the DataMember property of your datasource... there is difference.
Asad Malik

None of this worked for me, though it all seemed like good advice. What I ended up doing was the biggest, worst hack on earth. What I was hoping to accomplish was simply to load a DB table from a SQLite db and present it (read only, with sortable columns) in the DataGridView. The actual DB would be programmatically specified at runtime. I defined the DataSet by adding a DataGridView to the form and used the Wizards to statically define the DB connection string. Then I went into the Settings.Designer.cs file and added a set accessor to the DB Connection string property:

namespace FormatDetector.Properties {

    [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editors.SettingsDesigner.SettingsSingleFileGenerator", "")]
    internal sealed partial class Settings : global::System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase {

        private static Settings defaultInstance = ((Settings)(global::System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Synchronized(new Settings())));

        public static Settings Default {
            get {
                return defaultInstance;

        [global::System.Configuration.DefaultSettingValueAttribute("data source=E:\\workspace\\Test\\Matches.db;useutf16encoding=True")]
        public string MatchesConnectionString {
            get {
                return ((string)(this["MatchesConnectionString"]));
                (this["MatchesConnectionString"]) = value;

This is a klugey hack, but it works. Suggestions about how to clean this mess up are more than welcome.

