Create/Use User-defined functions in System.Data.SQLite?

User-Defined Functions & Collating Sequences Full support for user-defined functions and collating sequences means that in many cases if SQLite doesn't have a feature, you can write it yourself in your favorite .NET language. Writing UDF's and collating sequences has never been easier I spotted this bit on the C# SQLite ADO.NET p...

With System.Data.SQLite how do you specify a database file in the connect string using a relative path

Wanting to deploy my project on different servers I would prefer to be able to specify a connect string using a relative path. I can't seem to get that to work and want to know if there is some trick to it...? ...

"Cannot find entry point sqlite3_open_v2 in DLL sqlite3" when using System.Data.Sqlite

I am having problems connecting to a Sqlite database through System.Data.Sqlite. I was trying to use FluentNhibernate but that didn't work, so I went back to basics but got the same error: Cannot find entry point sqlite3_open_v2 in DLL sqlite3. This is my (fairly simple I believe) code: using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteCo...

Entity Framework + SQLite deployment

Hi, I have a ASP.NET MVC app that is using SQLite database through Entity Framework. Everything works on VS 2008's local development webserver. However, deploying the web app to my service provider causes this error: [ArgumentException: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.] System.Dat...

Referencing an Assembly in the Application Path

I am trying to reference System.Data.SQLite which is located in the application path so that I can package it with the application. I have tried several different ways including: #1 clr.AddReferenceToFile("System.Data.SQLite.DLL") #2 clr.AddReferenceToFileAndPath("C:\\Path\\To\\System.Data.SQLite.DLL") #3 sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) ...

System.Data.Sqlite FormatException using a parameter with LIKE

I'm using Sqlite as my database of choice in a C# forms app, with System.Data.SQLite provider. I'm trying to implement a search function, but it's not playing nice... or I'm missing something. The simplified sql I'm using looks like this: SELECT * FROM Table WHERE column LIKE @boundParameter ESCAPE '!' ...

System.Data.SQLite parameter issue

I have the following code: try { //Create connection SQLiteConnection conn = DBConnection.OpenDB(); //Verify user input, normally you give dbType a size, but Text is an exception var uNavnParam = new SQLiteParameter("@uNavnParam", SqlDbType.Text) { Value = uNavn }; var bNavnParam = new SQLiteParameter("@bNavnParam"...

Adding parameters in SQLite with C#

Im just learning SQLite and I can't get my parameters to compile into the command properly. When I execute the following code: this.command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [StringData] VALUE (?,?)"; = new SQLiteParameter(); this.byteIndex = new SQLiteParameter(); this.command.Parameters.Add(; this.command.Parameters.Ad...

FluentNhibernate and SQLite

Hi, I can't get SQLite Driver working in my sessionfactory. I downloaded SQLite 1.0.48 from I have added the references to System.Data.SQLite in my Tests project. public static IPersistenceConfigurer GetSqlLiteConfigurer() { try { return SQLiteConfiguratio...

Difficulty running concurrent INSERTS on SQLite database in C#

Hello, I'm running a number of threads which each attempt to perform INSERTS to one SQLite database. Each thread creates it's own connection to the DB. They each create a command, open a Transaction perform some INSERTS and then close the transaction. It seems that the second thread to attempt anything gets the following SQLiteExcept...

Is SQLite.Net thread-safe?

I'm asking about the .Net implementation - System.Data.SQLite. Are there guidelines to using it in a thread-safe manner? I know SQLite itself can be compiled with or without thread safety - but how was System.Data.SQLite compiled? ...

DataGridView does not display DataTable

Hello, I've got the following code which I think ought to be binding a DataTable to a DataGridView, but the DataGridView shows up empty. The DataTable definately has rows, so I assume that I am binding the DataSource incorrectly some how. Does anyone see what is wrong with this: DataBase db = new DataBase(re.OutputDir+"\\Matches.db")...

Advantages and Disadvantages of SQLite.NET and SQL Server Compact

I have used SQLite.NET many times. It always worked fine but I have a friend that is really pestering me that I should use instead SQL Server Compact so I stayed fully in Microsoft environment. Now, I never worked with Compact, and he tells me it works fine for him, but seeing that .MDF extension gives me the creeps. No kidding. Last th...

How can I use a SQL Scripts in a Database Project with the System.Data.SQLite data provider?

I've got a project where I'm attempting to use SQLite via System.Data.SQLite. In my attempts to keep the database under version-control, I went ahead and created a Database Project in my VS2008. Sounds fine, right? I created my first table create script and tried to run it using right-click->Run on the script and I get this error messa...

SQLite with Entity Framework

I'm having a problem with primary keys in Entity Framework when using SQLite. SQLite wants an explicit NULL in the VALUES list on an autoincrementing primary key column. I haven't actually looked at the generated SQL in the EF Context, but I believe it's going with the usual SQL Server convention of providing no value for the autoincre...

Identity column maximum value in SQLite DBs

I have a purely academic question about SQLite databases. I am using to use a database in my WinForm project, and as I was setting up a new table, I got to thinking about the maximum values of an ID column. I use the IDENTITY for my [ID] column, which according to DataType Mappings, is equivalent to DbType.Int64. ...

Set ConnectionTimeout in System.Data.SQLite

I think that I'm experiencing a database connection timeout with my SQLite connection, but I'm not sure how to bump up the connection timeout. The command timeout can be set with ConnectionString.DefaultTimeout but Connection.ConnectionTimout is read only. Any suggestions? Thanks, Brian ...

is it possible to use sqlite manifest typing features in nhibernate?

Hi, this was posted on forums and nhusers list without much luck, so I thought I would try here. Put simply, suppose I have a class: class A { public virtual object SomeValue { get; set; } } the type of SomeValue is basically in the set of .NET IConvertible types (primitives like bool, byte, char, int16, double, floa...

Where should I create my DbCommand instances?

I seemingly have two choices: Make my class implement IDisposable. Create my DbCommand instances as private readonly fields, and in the constructor, add the parameters that they use. Whenever I want to write to the database, bind to these parameters (reusing the same command instances), set the Connection and Transaction properties, th...

How to store masses of data offline and then update it into an SQLite database in batch?

Currently, I am trying to fill an SQLite database with tens of thousands of text data using this this method: SQLiteConnection = new SQLiteConnection(cntnStr); connection.Open(); foreach(Page p in pages) { using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(String.Format("Insert Into Pages (ID, Data, Name) Values ({0}, '{1}', '{2}')"...