hey guys
in the context of freelance programming (for the web), how do you calculate the cost and ownership of the source code.
So, say I'm working on a project for a client, and I've worked how long the project might take, and what my hourly/project rates are going to be.
Is it fair and/or normal to not include the source code as part of the package?
Or at least, is there some kind of mark-up, in terms of price, that should be considered if you are including the source code?
Or even am I within my rights, in an ethical context, to not give the option of providing the source code?
I'm asking because, within the code I might be using libraries that I've developed in my own time, and which are quite powerful, but which take no time at all to include in the project, and which, while powerful enough, cannot be incensed or sold as a separate product (like say, a CMS).
In any case, how do you deal with these situations? and if I were to provide the option of having the source code after completion of the project, how would I calculate the cost of the source? would it be a flat rate or a percentage of the project or what?
Hey guys, I read through all your answers, and they've all been really helpful in different ways, so thanks for your time, much appreciated