I'm trying to implement a WikiLink template filter in Django that queries the database model to give different responses depending on Page existence, identical to Wikipedia's red links. The filter does not raise an Error but instead doesn't do anything to the input.
WikiLink is defined as: [[ThisIsAWikiLink | This is the alt text]]
Here's a working example that does not query the database:
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from sites.wiki.models import Page
import re
register = template.Library()
def wikilink(value):
return re.sub(r'\[\[ ?(.*?) ?\| ?(.*?) ?\]\]', r'<a href="/Sites/wiki/\1">\2</a>', value)
wikilink.is_safe = True
The input (value
) is a multi-line string, containing HTML and many WikiLinks.
The expected output is substituting [[ThisIsAWikiLink | This is the alt text]]
<a href="/Sites/wiki/ThisIsAWikiLink">This is the alt text</a>
or if "ThisIsAWikiLink" doesn't exist in the database:
<a href="/Sites/wiki/ThisIsAWikiLink/edit" class="redlink">This is the alt text</a>
and returning value.
Here's the non-working code (edited in response to comments/answers):
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from sites.wiki.models import Page
import re
register = template.Library()
def wikilink(value):
m = re.match(r'\[\[ ?(.*?) ?\| ?(.*?) ?\]\]', value)
page_alias = m.group(2)
page_title = m.group(3)
page = Page.objects.get(alias=page_alias)
return re.sub(r'(\[\[)(.*)\|(.*)(\]\])', r'<a href="Sites\/wiki\/\2">\3</a>', value)
except Page.DoesNotExist:
return re.sub(r'(\[\[)(.*)\|(.*)(\]\])', r'<a href="Sites\/wiki\/\2\/edit" class="redlink">\3</a>', value)
return value
wikilink.is_safe = True
What the code needs to do is:
- extract all the WikiLinks in value
- query the Page model to see if the page exists
- substitute all the WikiLinks with normal links, styled dependent on each wikipage existence.
- return the altered value
The updated question is: What regular expression (method) can return a python List of WikiLinks, which can be altered and used to substitute the original matches (after being altered).
I'd like to do something like this:
def wikilink(value):
regex = re.magic_method(r'\[\[ ?(.*?) ?\| ?(.*?) ?\]\]', value)
foreach wikilink in regex:
alias = wikilink.group(0)
text = wikilink.group(1)
if(alias exists in Page):
regex.sub("<a href="+alias+">"+ text +"</a>")
regex.sub("<a href="+alias+" class='redlink'>"+ text +"</a>")
return value