I have now written a few jQuery plugins which have unit tests, packing and library dependencies. This requires a base folder structure and downloads - and also the packer changes when I'm on PC or Mac (because of perl, for instance).
I am thinking of writing a generator for doing these tasks similar to gem packaging and various generators in ruby. Of course, I will write it in ruby.
I can't find anything out there. I use this structure:
\ \build \lib \jquery-xx \packer \jspec \qunit \others \tests \data testdata.js/.json \unit units.js \spec myspec.js more-spec.js \acceptance acceptance-spec.js spec.html acceptance.html \src myplugin.js more-code.js Makefile (or .rake) test-src.html (this uses src js) example.html (this uses dist/packed js) changelog README copyright(s) todo
My question(s): have I missed such a generator? what structure would you suggest?